
Showing posts from 2013

The Future Of Healthcare Technology and Open Source

HTML5 Support in Android and IOS?

Server Vital Sign: Scripts To Respawn MongoDB or Nginx When It Crashes

Release 0.3

StorageIO.js - Utilizing Backbone.js MV* to build rich client-side application for HTML5 Storage.

Introducing StorageIO.JS - Cross Browser API for HTML5 Client Side Storage

Porting Brackets to work in firefox (Part 2)

Porting Brackets IDE to work in Firefox (Part 1)

Release 0.2

Release 0.1

How to use gettext() function in nunjucks for localization in

Apache Lucene - The Powerful Text Search Library

ElasticSearch: Deep diving into Mozilla's MakeAPI - Part 2

How do I generate a make with makeAPI?

Can't run thimble ".. Loading forever"

Diving deep into MakeAPI and ElasticSearch for Node.js

MIT License

Installing and configuring hadoop single node on a red hat 6

Iterators in C++

Introduction to Templates In C++

Algorithms Terminalogy

Algorithm in Javascript.

Did you know that you can store javascript functions in mongodb?

How do I store more then the default limit of 16 MB in a mongodb record

Installing Node.JS from source

Getting started with mongoDB